Chin: £99 £75 Upper Arms: £149 £99Love Handle / Flanks: £199 £125Upper Or Lower Belly: £199 £125Full Belly: £249 £149Inner or Outer Thighs: £249 £149 About LIPO LAB: Lipo Lab PPC Solution is an innovative fat dissolving injection designed to target and reduce localized fat deposits and subcutaneous fat. The PPC (Phosphatidyl Choline) solution works by melting fat […]
2 x Handpieces Single Session: £75 6 Session: £350 3 x Handpieces Single Session: £99 6 x Sessions: £450 Fat freezing treatment is a non-surgical fat-reduction procedure that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. Only fat cells are frozen. Your healthy skin cells remain, well, healthy. […]